Johari Fotographer

“Capturing moments from today…Creating memories for a lifetime.”!

Johari Fotographer

“The picture that you took with your camera is the imagination you want to create with reality”!

Johari Fotographer

“The most important day is the day you decide you’re good enough for you. It’s the day you set yourself free.”!

Johari Fotographer

“Photography is the quintessence of a telling memory where it allows us to preserve time in a photograph.”!

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"Iklan Anda Menentukan Kejayaan Anda"....

10 ulasan:

Global Bookmark Today berkata...

Nice article. Unique thinking. Thanks.

World Wide Bookmark berkata...

Excelent work. Will be beneficial for others. Thanks.

Better Article Submission berkata...

Nice work. I appreciate it. Looking for such useful future works. Thanks.

First Article Submission berkata...

Good post. Keep going and be useful for others. Thanks.

First Article Submission berkata...

Good post. Keep going and be useful for others. Thanks.

SEO Blog Post berkata...

Cheering work. Many will like it. Thanks.

Best Directory Submission berkata...

Excelent work. Will be beneficial for others. Thanks.

News Link berkata...

Efficient job. Worthy of applause. Thanks.

Hezbut Tawheed berkata...

Make continuation of such useful works. Thanks.

Ayman It berkata...

Unique idea. Make it persistent. Thanks.


Johari Fotographer

“The picture that you took with your camera is the imagination you want to create with reality”

Johari Fotographer

“Today’s special moments. Tomorrow’s priceless treasures.”

Johari Fotographer

Don’t photograph what you see, photograph how you feel about what you see

Johari Fotographer

The one thing you can’t replace is your memories. Don’t let them fade away from overexposure

Designed By Johari Fotographer

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