Orang senang dihiburkan. Itulah sebabnya tawa mempunyai kekuatan yang sangat besar ketika datang ke iklan. Penggunaan humor dalam kempen iklan tidak hanya mendapatkan perhatian pelanggan, beliau juga membuat produk atau jasa anda lebih mudah untuk mengingati atau ingat. Jika ada satu iklan yang anda sepertinya ingat sampai hari ini, saya yakin ini adalah salah satu iklan lucu yang anda lihat di papan reklame saat memandu di jalan raya.
Berikut adalah 35 cool billboard iklan yang menggunakan humor untuk menarik perhatian orang. Sesetengah daripada mereka tidak benar-benar billboard tetapi bentuk-bentuk lain daripada iklan luar bilik. Untuk tahu lebih banyak dan sampai ke sumber masing-masing gambar, klik pada link teks yang ditemui di bawah masing-masing gambar preview. Bersenang-senang browsing melalui iklan billboard keren ini!
Berikut adalah 35 cool billboard iklan yang menggunakan humor untuk menarik perhatian orang. Sesetengah daripada mereka tidak benar-benar billboard tetapi bentuk-bentuk lain daripada iklan luar bilik. Untuk tahu lebih banyak dan sampai ke sumber masing-masing gambar, klik pada link teks yang ditemui di bawah masing-masing gambar preview. Bersenang-senang browsing melalui iklan billboard keren ini!
# 01-Nikon D700 gerila Style Billboard
Nikon memuat isyarat daripada para selebriti kita terobsesi budaya paparazzi untuk melancarkan D700 jenama model di Korea.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
# 02-Switzerland Skydive Opponent
Sebut sahaja buzz, gerila, viral, word-of-mulut, apa pun - pemasaran dan periklanan stunts dan ide yang mencapai perhatian bebas bekerja sekarang mungkin lebih baik daripada sebelumnya.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
# 03-Get Them off Your Dog - Teman Sebagai Kutu
Perwanal Saatchi & Saatchi di Jakarta, Indonesia, telah memuat interaktiviti dan menyeramkan-crawliness yang baru, tingkat rata dengan kejadian besar-besaran ini 'tingkat pelekat' di sebuah pusat perbelanjaan Jakarta.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
# 04-Fitness First - Tunggu Watching
Tidak ada lagi yang tinggal di penafian tentang saiz garis pinggang anda, berkat fantastis ini mengerikan meskipun inisiatif pemasaran bergerilya dari rantai kelab kesihatan, Fitness First. Curiga komuter di Belanda dihadapkan dengan melihat berat badan mereka di lampu-lampu terang - secara harfiah - ketika mereka mengambil tempat duduk di halte bus Rotterdam ini.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
# 05-Strip Club Pole Position
Kehidupan seperti iklan cetak menyapu dunia paling terkemuka di bandar. Di Paris, kelab bogel Stringfellows telah memasukkan ke dalam kutub-kutub menari dengan cerdik merancang kempen dicetak mereka untuk bekerja dengan tiang lampu yang ada di seluruh bandar.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#06-Duracell bus ad in New Delhi, India
[Cool Billboard Ads]
# 07-Indonesian Railways: cleaver Giant
Banyak kemalangan berlaku di gerbang persimpangan kereta api di Indonesia. Daripada meletakkan papan pengumuman biasa poster (yang orang tidak pernah melihat), mereka memasang poster gergasi berbentuk golok di pintu gerbang untuk mengingatkan orang tentang bahaya. Satu salinan berkata, "Jangan sembrono, Stay aman."
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#08-Royal Canin: Drooling dog
Two billboards were placed face to face, each on one side of a small street. One of the billboards shows the close portrait of a dog on a plain white background that looks directly to the billboard in front of him.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#09-Sirius: 100 Percent Commercial Free
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#10-Virgin Atlantic: What brings you to London?
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#11-McDonald’s: Billboards 200m-197m
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#12-Panasonic nose trimmer: Baldy
Billboards built around actual electric wires and poles to amusingly yet convincingly dramatize the need for the panasonic nose hair trimmer’s safety cutting system.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#13-Rejoice Tangle-Free Shampoo
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#14-Hansapark: Are we there yet?
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#15-Interactive Sharpie e-cast Billboard
Many of us have a fascination with graffiti art, and we sometimes even look over our shoulders to make sure no one’s watching when we scratch out our initials in a freshly laid slab of cement — or carve them into a wooden desk — or even scribble profanities across the stall door in a public restroom.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#16-McDonald’s: four Bucks is Dumb
McDonald’s ad campaign takes a non-too-subtle jab at Starbucks. The ad says “large is the new grande” or “four bucks is dumb.”
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#17-Coops Paints
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#18-KOLESTON – Outdoor Ad
To promote the line of Procter & Gamble’s Wella Koleston HairCare Naturals hair colourant, H & C – Leo Burnett Beirut did thiscreative piece of outdoor where the woman’s hair, die cut out of the billboard, allows the colour variations of day and night shine through.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#19-Pacific Airlines: The sky has never been cheaper
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#20-T-Mobile: Don’t Drop Your Girl
No one has fewer dropped calls in New York.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#22-Copenhagen Zoo: Snake Bus
Giant constrictor snake squeezing complete Copenhagen citybus.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#23-Chili Club: Man on Fire
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#24-Don’t be stupid, protect yourself. Use condoms.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#25-Denver Water: Use only what you need
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#26-Formula Toothcare Billboard
Formula Toothcare “builds strong teeth.”
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#27-Dense Muffins
In North Carolina, there is a successful supermarket chain, called Bloom. Amongst the large variety of regular groceries and specialty products it sells are several signature products. These include two-ounce gourmet cookies and “Bloomberry” jumbo muffins.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#28-”The Back Seat’s No Safer. Belt Up”
Here is a unique way to remind people to buckle up in the back seat. Created by Clement BBDO in Austalia, this billboard displays a huge slingshot in 3d which appears to propel a passenger into the air. The message is clear, belt up or your body will be slinked.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#29-Transparent Billboard from Nike
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#30-DHL Billboard Box
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#31-MINI Coopeer Comes in Boxes
A Christmas guerilla campaign with huge cardboard boxes around Amsterdam promoting MINI.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#32-Transparent Billboards for Sony PSP
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#33-Sony Pictures 2012 The Movie: Flooding the subway
Campaign of the film’s release in 2012 in Brazil. Action in the subway Cantagalo, in Copacabana – Rio de Janeiro, where a patch of about 45m on each side simulates a flood the subway.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#34-Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre: Break
Take a break from the sun.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
#35-Bic Billboard: Gardener Required
Bic developed this creative outdoor advertisement for their razors. The billboard is blank except for a small logo, but without it the advertisement might be missed and it acts as a good backdrop for the giant razor and cut grass. The only draw back is the constant trimming of the lawn.
[Cool Billboard Ads]
3 Ulasan
kt msia takde iklan yg kreatif camtu ke ek??
kt msia takde iklan yg kreatif camtu ke ek??