Teknik Adobe Photoshop CS3 Bahasa Melayu ( Percuma E-Book)


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129 Teknik Photoshop Dalam Bahasa Melayu

Percuma E-Book

Teknik Cepat Menggunakan Photoshop CS 3 versi Bahasa Melayu , Mesti dimiliki !

Judul Ebook : 129 Teknik Profesional Photoshop Cs3

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Judul Ebook :

129 Teknik Profesional Photoshop Cs3

Informasi Secara langsung ke sasaran!

Pada buku ini, penulis menggunakan ratusan gambar serta teks yang jelas untuk membantu Anda mempelajari dan menguasai Photoshop CS3 dengan cepat, tanpa membuang waktu terlalu lama.

Buka buku ini, lihat, pelajari, dan kerjakan teknik-teknik yang ada dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah yang diberikan, lalu ikuti garis penghubung dilanjutkan dengan melihat gambar yang ada. Selanjutnya Anda akan memahami maksud, kegunaan, serta tujuan dari teknik yang diberikan.

Meskipun buku ini lebih membahas teknik profesional Photoshop CS3, hampir semua teknik yang dibahas dapat dilakukan menggunakan Photoshop versi sebelumnya (versi CS dan CS2). Materi yang dibahas akan menuntun Anda untuk menjadi profesional dalam memperbaiki dan memanipulasi foto digital serta mahir dalam bidang olah digital imaging.

" Ebook ini Langsung Pada Sasaran = Straight to The Point ! "

Editor's Note
• Berisi 129 teknik profesional mulai dari tingkat pemula hingga tingkat lanjut
• Materi disampaikan secara praktis, instan, dan langsung ke sasaran
• Seluruh pembahasan dicetak dalam tampilan penuh warna (full color).

Author : Rahmad Widiyanto

Publisher : Elex Media Komputindo

Ebook Premium : 144 pages

Versi Bahasa Melayu

Senarai Isi Ebook :

" Contoh , Apa yang menanti anda dalam ebook ini : "

" Sangat Mudah DiFahami dan Diikuti Kerana Butiran Terperinci dan Penerangan Teliti Di Beri Untuk Setiap Teknik "

" Banyak Imej & Gambar DiTunjuk Supaya Mudah Difahami, Beberapa Minit Sahaja "

" Anda tidak akan menyesal jika anda membelinya .. PASTI! "


Teach Yourself Adobe Photoshop CS3 in 24 Hours

This is the eBook version of the printed book. You can master Photoshop CS3 faster than you ever thought possible ^^ even if you have no Photoshop or image editing experience at all! In just 24 hands-on, step-by-step lessons, this book will teach you all the core Photoshop skills you need to get great results ^^ in digital photography, graphic design, painting, or anything else! By the Way notes present interesting information related to the discussion. Did You Know? tips offer advice or show you easier ways to do something. Watch Out! cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them.

Learn how to:
* Repair and retouch any black-and-white or color image, from precious family portraits to new digital photos
* Achieve powerful artistry with Photoshop's filters and effects
* Master digital painting with Photoshop's paintbrushes and other tools
* Get your colors right, wherever you're printing your images or displaying them online
* Create super-realistic composites
* Transform your images using tools ranging from Flip to Liquify
* Master professional-level features including layers, channels, and masks
* Add type to your images
* Take advantage of Photoshop CS3's powerful new features

Carla Rose is the author of more than 30 computer books on digital media and graphics topics. She was a contributing editor for Photoshop User magazine and contributed to publications ranging from Atlantic Fisherman to Adobe Magazine to The New Yorker. Kate Binder is a graphics expert who has written articles on design tools and techniques, publishing workflows, and photography for magazines including Publish, PEI, and Desktop Publishers Journal. Her books include Easy Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and Easy Adobe Photoshop Elements

50 Fast Photoshop CS Techniques

"All Photoshop books should have this level of image quality and step-by-step instructions." ^^ George Lepp, internationally acclaimed nature photographer. If you???????re eager to enhance your photos and create breathtaking effects with the world???????s leading digital imaging tool, this book shows you how to achieve 50 terrific effects quickly and easily. Fully updated for Photoshop CS, it covers both Windows???® and Mac???® versions and illustrates not only how to perform magic with photographs, but also how to set up Photoshop CS for greater efficiency and how to use the tools effectively.

Your guide to amazing results with Photoshop CS
* Fix flaws, correct colors, reveal detail in shadows and highlights, and sharpen images
* Convert RAW images with Adobe???® Camera RAW????? and achieve accurate color when using a GretagMacbeth ColorChecker?????
* Restore, retouch, tone, add texture effects, and hand-color portraits
* Learn how to effectively use plug-ins to supplement Photoshop CS???????s features
* Build an online photo gallery with image maps, animated Web banners, image roll-overs, and superb Web images

Advanced Photoshop CS3 Trickery & FX (Graphics Series)

Advanced Photoshop CS3 Trickery & FX is a completely updated edition of this specialized book for Photoshop users wishing to go beyond the basics. It takes digital artists to the next level of creativity by teaching them how to blend their artistic talent seamlessly with the powerful tools of Photoshop CS3.
The book is packed with full color photos showing before-and-after touch-up examples and demos of the amazing new features of Photoshop CS3. Using a mixture of fun and practical projects, you will learn how to transform ordinary photos into incredible special effects and digital creations. This edition also includes more real-world projects to illustrate practical uses of Photoshop's tools.

Format: eBook
Price: RM29.99 Only… Grab it Now!!!

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